Gunung Mulu National Park Airport Transfers - I Love Morocco

Gunung Mulu National Park Airport Transfers

3-Day Adventure in Mulu National Park

Gunung Mulu National Park was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. This picturesque natural wonder covers 52,865 hectares of primary rainforest that is dissected by several fast-flowing rivers and clear jungle streams. The oldest of Mulu's caves started to form about five million years ago. Heavy rain and continual erosion over the years have carved out the vast subterranean system that exists today. With its deeply-incised canyons, wild rivers, rainforest-covered mountains, spectacular limestone pinnacles, cave passages and features, Mulu has many outstanding scenic qualities.

Mulu Headhunter's Trail – 3 Days Trekking & Cultural Experience

The trekking combines upriver travel, jungle trekking, caving the show caves and overnight stay at an Iban longhouse. The trail itself follows the route taken by Kayan headhunting parties who paddled up and trekking to where they launched headhunting raids against the people of the Limbang area. Headhunter’s Trail can also be done in reverse, starting from Limbang and ending up at the Park HQ.