Aroha Tours - I Love Morocco

Aroha Tours

Waitangi Treaty Grounds Admission

Waitangi Treaty Grounds Admission
5 Stars, based on 261 Reviews.
Spend the day exploring the Waitangi Treaty Grounds while soaking up the scenery and story of New Zealand’s most important historic site. Your Waitangi Admission includes access to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, entry to Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi, Te Rau Aroha Museum of the Price of Citizenship, an informative (50-minute) guided tour, cultural performance (30-minutes), Waitangi – Birthplace of a Nation introductory film and full access to New Zealand’s most important historic site, featured icons, bush walks and the spectacular views of the Bay of Islands.

Waitangi Treaty Grounds: Combo Pass (Hāngī + Concert + Admission)

Our Hāngī & Concert experience offers an exceptional evening of authentic Māori culture, including a captivating live performance followed by a traditional hāngī dinner, cooked in an earth oven. Your Combo Pass includes daytime admission to Waitangi Treaty Grounds, valid for 2 consecutive days. Enjoy a guided tour, a cultural performance, entry to our 2 award-winning museums, Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi and Te Rau Aroha Museum of the Price of Citizenship, all heritage buildings, our on-site Whare Wake Cafe and of course our gift shop where you're sure to find the perfect souvenir to remember your trip to the beautiful Bay of Islands.

T5-GIANT STATUES (non-cruise visitors)

AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI takes you close to the stone giants, the Moai. This half-day private excursion, guided in French, English, or Spanish, introduces you to 3 of the most beautiful and impressive sites on the island. Admire the finesse and Neolithic gigantism that characterize them. The private nature of the excursion ensures personal attention. We adapt to your desires, at your pace, trying to avoid tourist overcrowding on sites.

Mt. Te Aroha Bike Hire & Tours

Bike and Hike tour is designed to experience the great New Zealand outdoors first hand which takes you to the hidden gems which otherwise are difficult to access with more traditional way of travelling. The E biking along the breathtaking Kaimai ranges will overwhelm you, The flora & fauna along the way will please you. Come & experience the trip of a lifetime

T6-The CULT OF THE BIRD-MAN (non-cruise visitors)

Myths, theories and facts around the Rano Kau. AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI makes you discover the southern part of Easter Island and its archaeological sites nestled between the sides of the second volcano and the small village of the island, Hanga Roa. Add to this one of the most beautiful panoramas of the place and you have a busy half-day.

T4-ISLAND TOUR: MAIN SITES (non-cruise visitors)

T4-ISLAND TOUR: MAIN SITES (non-cruise visitors)
Rated 5 Stars, based on 3 Reviews.
Myths, mysteries and Moai. Discovering a human adventure unique in history. AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI presents the tour of Easter Island with its main archaeological sites to understand the fantastic heritage of this ancient megalithic civilization. The private nature of the excursion ensures personal attention. We adapt to your desires, at your own pace, trying to avoid tourist overcrowding on sites.

R6 – THE TOP OF THE ISLAND (not available for cruise passengers)

Really feel the geographic isolation of Easter Island from its summit. AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI offers you a breathtaking view of the vast sea that surrounds this tiny land and will make you appreciate the size and fragility of the place. A beautiful natural spectacle. The private nature of the excursion ensures personal attention. We adapt to your desires, at your pace.

R3-THE RAPA NUI PENINSULA (non-cruise visitors)

R3-THE RAPA NUI PENINSULA (non-cruise visitors)
Rated 5 Stars, based on 2 Reviews.
AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI OFFERS THE Rapa Nui Peninsula: Poike. Its discovery on a hiking excursion is a treat for lovers of walking. The path unfolds its landscapes and surprising archaeological remains. Explore them. You can even opt for the RISING SUN ON TONGARIKI option and start the hike with an extraordinary natural spectacle. The private nature of the excursion ensures personal attention. We adapt to your desires, at your pace.

T2-THE MUST-HAVES OF RAPA NUI (non-cruise visitors)

T2-THE MUST-HAVES OF RAPA NUI (non-cruise visitors)
Rated 5 Stars, based on 3 Reviews.
AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI offers you a trip back in time and into the universe of Rapanui civilization. The main archaeological sites and panoramas of Easter Island are available to you. The completely private nature of the excursion ensures you personal attention without ever forgetting that you are on VACATION. The circuit adapts to your desires, at your pace, trying to avoid overcrowding on tourist sites.

T3+T4-RAPA NUI ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES (non-cruise visitors)

The worked and tamed rock. Discover the megalithic culture of Rapa Nui. AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI offers a special two-day circuit (6-7 hours per day) for a global approach to the main sites and landscapes of Easter Island. The two days do not have to follow each other. The private nature of the excursion ensures personal attention. We adapt to your desires, at your own pace, trying to avoid tourist overcrowding on sites.

T1-THE GRAND TOUR (non-cruise visitors)

(Excursion available from mid-November to the end of March, summer hours of the sites). Our longest circuit. AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI makes you enjoy your day to the fullest by visiting the main archaeological sites and the magnificent natural landscapes of the island. With the latest scientific and academic studies, we take you to discover this fantastic megalithic civilization If you only have or want to spend one day on a guided tour, this is THE tour to book. The private nature of the excursion ensures personal attention. We adapt to your desires, at your own pace, trying to avoid tourist overcrowding on sites.

R1-NORTH COAST OF RAPA NUI (non-cruise visitors)

AROHA TOURS RAPA NUI invites you to a more "intimate" and different immersion in the archaeological richness of Easter Island. 7 hours of wonder off the beaten track. On the northern part of the island, a very nice walk of about 17 km with very little elevation. Our favorite. The private nature of the hike ensures personal attention. We adapt to your desires, at your pace.